Measuring Carbon

Carbon Emissions and How We Measure Them


  • 1. Identify Emission Sources

    a. energy consumption
    b. transportation
    c. waste generation
    d. business travel

  • 2. Energy Consumption

    a. electricity
    b. heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
        (i.) obtain data from utility bills or smart meters
        (ii.) differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy sources

  • 3. Waste Generation

    a. generate
        (i.) both recyclable and non-recyclable waste
        (ii.) use waste disposal records or conduct waste audits

  • 4. Transportation

    a. employee commuting
    b. work-related travel
        (i.) use survey
        (ii.) collect data on travel distances and modes of transportation

  • 5. Business Travel

    Collect data on frequency and distance of business-related travel, including:
        (i.) flights
        (ii.) car rentals
        (iii.) hotel stays


  • 1. Identify Emission Sources

    a. energy consumption
    b. machinery operation
    c. transportation
    d. waste generation
    e. heating / cooling systems

  • 2. Energy Consumption

    a. electricity
    b. other energy sources used for cutting machines
    c. lighting
    d. heating / cooling
        (i.) obtain data from utility bills, energy meters
        (ii.) or the factory's energy management system

  • 3. Machinery and Processes

    a. different machines may have different energy requirements and emissions profiles
    b. consider
        (i.) power consumption
        (ii.) duration of operation
        (iii.) type of energy sources used

  • 4. Transportation

    a. a fleet of vehicles for transporting goods or employees
    b. consider
        (i.) type of fuel used
        (ii.) mileage
        (iii.) fuel efficiency

  • 5. Waste Generation

    a. type of waste both:
        (i.) solid
        (ii.) hazardous waste
    b. determine the emissions associated with waste disposal and treatment methods.